Advertising, Agency, Marketing

5 Mistakes of Experiential Marketing  that are Easy to Avoid

Connecting with your loyal customers and prospects is not a game. It is not possible to pull off a successful experiential marketing event in a matter of a few days. You have to plan ahead. You have to understand the USP of your product. You must know what messages you want to convey. There is a lot that goes into the success of your brand activation event. You cannot afford to make silly mistakes or errors of omission.

The following section explains to you some of the most common mistakes that marketers are prone to making whenever they choose to connect with their audience in person:

  1. Forgetting to Create a Plan or Strategy

You just have to have a plan because without it your experiential marketing event is going to fail. You must have a series of events and processions on your list and you have to have a chronology of each one of them. One event is linked to the other as you course through the entire day’s happenings. There has to be the first step to your experiential marketing event which will be generating the interest of your audience. The conclusion will be to give them a taste of your product/service. In between these two steps, there will be several events, experiences, and processions that you should be able to organize for your target market.

  1. Not being Clear with your Message

Every event marketing agency that you come across will guide you towards creating a clear and concise message for your audience. There has to be a purpose to your experiential marketing event.

  • Are you launching a new product?
  • Is this event about a new subsidiary brand?
  • Are you announcing a partnership with an influencer?

Similarly, there has to be a channel that you are going to use to reach out your audience to convey these messages and more to your prospects and loyal customers. Failure to convey your message is going to render your marketing event pointless and ineffective.

  1. Not being able to define your target audience
  • What is your target audience?
  • What is the average age of your prospects?
  • How much is their monthly income and spending?
  • What do they prefer to purchase during the holidays? What is the gender composition of your target market?

Profiling your customers is very important and if you fail to do that, you will not be able to come up with a personalized marketing event for them. You will not be able to appeal to their senses and intelligence. The result; your marketing event will fall flat on its face.

  1. Not Addressing the Pain Points of your Customers

Not being able to profile your customers is the reason that you fail at addressing their pain points as well. It is for the simple reason that when you don’t know your customers well enough, you don’t know their problems. And when you are not aware of their issues and pain points, you can not suggest any tangible resolution.

  1. Underestimating / Overestimating the Footfall

Based on the amount of popularity that your experiential marketing event has gathered and the target audience of your product, you should be able to estimate the footfall for your big event. You will have to conduct proper research before you select the venue for your marketing event. Underestimating or overestimating the footfall could be a deal breaker for your prospects. It is going to reflect badly upon your reputation if you are understaffed or overbooked.

These were a few mistakes that your experiential agency is going to advise you against. Heed to their recommendations and suggestions as you plan for your marketing event.

Advertising, Agency, Brand Activation, experiential marketing company, Marketing

How Experiential Marketing Positively Impacts Your Brand?

No matter how advanced the digital age becomes, creating hands-on experience will never go out of style. With more and more businesses getting conducted online, experiential marketing services have become all the more important. Let’s look at the most important advantages of experiential marketing:

It provides people a new method to experience your brand

Experiential marketing helps in generating authentic brand awareness with the help of non-traditional methods of marketing. This helps in getting the attention of people and helping them remember the brand. With the help of experiences, customers get to know about the brand through their senses. The tangible experiences help in creating stronger bonds between products and people because people get the chance to interact with the brand in a genuine manner and create a positive opinion about it.

It caters to the ways in which people use media

Social media acts as keystone in all kind of marketing. Experiential marketing has amplified the significance of social media. Experiences benefit from the ways in which people utilize their social channels by encouraging them to share the visual content on their social media platforms. This helps the campaign boost its reach. Experiential marketing agencies play a key role in engaging customers via their unique marketing techniques and help build brand credibility.

It provides people an opportunity to interact with your brand

In order to create constructive connotations of a brand, customers need to first interact with it. Brand experiences are generally memorable, engaging and fun. Every time a potential customer interacts with a brand, loyalty is either built or lost. Experiential marketing offers an opportunity for a brand to depict its best side to its customers. The brand gets the chance to build connections with customers and make way for loyalty. A top experiential marketing agency can help your brand navigate and have access to all the advantages of experiential marketing.

Advertising, Agency, Brand Activation, experiential marketing company, Marketing

5 Factors That Validate You Investing In Experiential Marketing Today

The biggest advantage of experiential marketing is that it actually delivers. You will be able to increase the popularity of your brand by almost 65% if you do it right. It is all a matter of spreading the right amount of news and creating curiosity among your prospects. The success of your marketing event could guarantee a higher return on your investment within a very short span of time.

Let’s have a look at what else it can do for you:

Brand New Way To Experience Your Brand

Give your experiential marketing agency the complete freedom to create novel experiences surrounding your product. They should be able to generate interest among your consumers about your offering. It is not just about using your product but experiencing it through all their senses. These tangible experiences are going to be the talk of the town for a long time. Do not be afraid of new, innovative, and non-traditional marketing methods.

Spread Awareness Across Social Media

The majority of your prospects and loyal customers are on social media channels such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Google Plus. Whatever they see, hear, taste, or experience goes straight on their social media feeds. This is a great opportunity for you to appeal to all their senses and persuade them to talk about it on their social media profiles. You can easily capitalize on the way your prospects use and engage through social media and spread the word around further to untapped markets.

Interaction With Your Brand

Your event marketing agency should be able to connect your brand to your audience. This is where the perspective of two-way interaction comes into play. When people begin to enjoy your product/service, they start interacting with your brand in person. This is what fuels their loyalty towards your offering. It is a great opportunity for you to establish connections with them and have a dialogue that results in long-term relationships. 

Long-Lasting Impression

Work with your brand activation agency to create experiences that are going to remain in the memory of your consumers for a long time. According to an independent study, close to 61% of consumers prefer a live demonstration and a deep understanding of your product through a marketing event rather than making a direct purchase without trying it out. Without any brand activation, what you have to work with is an ensemble of passive viewers. The only way to convert them into active participants is to create and execute experiential marketing events that add value to their lives. This is where you can create a strong and memorable impression on their mind. In the future, just a mention of your brand will be enough to remind them of the awesome and fun time that they had at your marketing event.

As mentioned above, people are going to talk about your brand through their social media channels and links. You will be able to gauge their experiences and responses every time they mention your company in their social media feeds. In addition to that, you can also get live data and inputs from your customers and understand what their needs and preferences are. This amount of data is enough for you to come up with better and more personalized offerings in the future. It also helps you with your pricing strategy and understanding what works with your customers and what doesn’t. You will be able to create more value for them and increase customer engagement every time you plan a marketing event. So, do you need any more reasons to invest in an experiential marketing event?